Monday, June 18, 2012

A Taste of America

We took the GSP group to play mini golf last week during our fun night.  Most of the group had never done anything like it before- it was such a good bonding experience!  It is so funny how people from all over the world can get frustrated with this sport :)

This was our team for mini golf- Naitu (Kenya), Zethu (South Africa), Thato (South Africa), me and Andy (yep, only guy who made the team)- posing in front of the Statue of Liberty.  

Everyone's favorite part was the batting cages!  Now, this is a good American experience!  Pictured above is Ben from Scotland- he was a pro!

Andy and I took the group on a hike up the canyon to the punch bowls.  It is a beautiful hike and we had lots of great photo opps along the way.  The punch bowls are pools of freezing water from melted snow that flows down from the top of the mountain.  Several people took a short swim in them!

Lastly, this is our program director Drew and Nii Ayi who is from Ghana at Baskin Robins enjoying a taste of America  :)

We  been here at GSP for 2 weeks now and we are amazed how well we have gotten to know and love these students and staff already!  From what we have experienced so far, we feel like there probably isn't a better way for us to get such hands on training for the diverse mission field at the University of the South Pacific.  Also, the input and training that these staff and students are receiving this summer is just awesome.  Tonight we will be hearing from Jim Luebe, the US Collegiate Director of The Navigators (the single largest entity of all the Navigator work) on "The Great Commission" and how we all are called to be a part of it.  If you think about it, please pray for me (Kathryn) as I will be sharing my testimony as to how God put the nations and the great commission on my heart. Pray that it will be an encouragement to those who hear!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Getting Started!

We arrived in Colorado Springs late Sunday night and have begun to welcome students from all over the world to the Global Student Program!  It has been an exciting time! There are already students here from Mexico, Ghana, Kenya, South Africa, Asia, Australia, Canada and the US.  We have had so much fun getting to know them already!  I had a great conversation today at the soccer field with a student from Kenya who grew up in Tanzania as a missionary kid- amazing!  She shared with me that this summer she really wants to get to know God in a deeper way and she is hungry to have more time in His Word.  Having grown up in a Christian home she feels that her faith is just beginning to become her own.  I am excited to see what God does in her life this summer!  Please join us in praying for each of these students, that they will grow deeply in their relationship with God and that they will experience deep friendship and community with each other despite their cultural differences.  Pray also that God will raise up laborers from among these students to take His gospel into the nations!
We are getting to experience a beautiful picture of the body of Christ this summer!  "...and behold, a great multitude from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb..."

Here is a sneak peak of where these students will be living and where we will be working this summer...

Nav Headquarters at Glen Eyrie.  I love this place!  Hmm, which direction should we go...
This is just outside the Carriage House where students tend to hang out, read, or spend time with the Lord.
This is Glen Eyrie Castle- isn't it beautiful!  Students will eat here often and some will even work here.  It is also nice to get some one on one or small group time on the castle terrace.